Sunday, December 11, 2011

Lets Adjust the Wonky

They are square per my re-pinning for "storage"


Jane said...

Looking at this I still need to flip a block. I think I see where...swap the 3rd green row green with second row green ?????? Yeah...

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Looks good to me!

Debra Dixon said...

yea and turn it down so the light green is in the center.

Storage? don't move it too far away from sight!

Momma Bear said...

as my girls from sane quilting used to say
It'll quilt out!

Judy S. said...

So, did you swap the green blocks? I heard that same thing about tangerine orange. Orange and yellow are probably the two colors I use least, but I love what you did with your orange block, the half green one....all of 'em actually!

Anonymous said...

They're lovely! I'm still in the planning in my mind stage! I love the way your colors seem to flow toward each other.