Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Updated Edit

Here is my most favorite Christmas moose from the front..............

Here is what he looks like in the back after the rodents got him .... I am so gol darn disgusted with this I could spit!!! I threw out several things and and from what I kept, this is the worst one for repair. I will mend all tonight so I can put this behind me.

I also must make the dogs some big orange bandannas tonight. Hunting season begins day after tomorrow and already the woods and roads here in the neighborhood are full of "drunken yahoos". I am sure we have ticked off a few hunters by building our home here but they had the same opportunity as we did to buy this property 12 years ago, if they wanted it. I can feel our first year living through this will be interesting & even though my husband is a hunter (more to be in the woods than kill something), I don't like knowing that some strange idiots are possibly creeping around my house and seeing my dogs for game. I will be counting the days now till this is over on Dec 1.

Tomorrow will be better, its gotta be...


Louisiana Momma said...

I feel your pain about those darn rodents.. we live here next to a big pasture out in the country and we have them.. I haven't seen to many.. but they leave their droppings everywhere! I cannot stand it to find stuff torn up by them. And it seems as if nothing gets rid of them out here - we put out poison and glue traps.. ugg!

Allison Ann Aller said...

Hi Jane!
Too bad about the rodents...glad you can fix that cute moose.

I love the UP! As an old Michigander I sure miss the first snows like you are getting.
At our recent family reunion, my brother was telling me that someday he wanted to take me to Whitefish Point....that I would flip for it! One day...

Meanwhile, good luck making it through hunting season. The deer population does need thinning, I am sure.....

Just stitch your way through it....;-)

Molly Mandeville Fryer said...

Sorry, but hey--go out and restock!