I'm working on hand quilting this months guild project. Couldn't quite stick to the pattern given and ended up with too many half squares. Made use of them anyway. I'm so out of pratice with precision and 1/4 seams.
The months blotto block pattern is a paper pieced courthouse step using brights. I've gotten as far as getting the fabric pulled out for that. Paper piecing is not my bag.

Sis' library at her Beulah house... book love runs in the family... I've had my nose in books

and there always seems to be several going at once... at the moment, one is
Clara. .The Ford's are fascinating, not only because I grew up in Detroit, but because they were real people who shared their dreams, their lives and their legacy. The book is more factual than narrative but leaves imagination full out open to the oppulent yet down home ways of Henrys other half. Ironically one of Claras favorite places is not too far from here at the
Huron Mountain Club. The Club is a
mysterious local legend.
A CQ block is definitly being planned around Clara.

After reading the Forest Lover this summer I got interested in the life of
Emily Carrand found the book,
Hundreds and Thousands, one of Emily's journals, in my sisters library. I love her descriptions of color and perception but it's her quirky, often difficult life that gives me a source for courage in moving on with my own creative calling.

I've finished all the Mitford books by Jan Karon and started the Father Tim series, Home to Holly Springs. I missed the August book sale in town so the pickins are slim for winter. But I did see a used book store in Houghton... I'll have to check it out when we get up that way.
It's a cold clear night here and the stars are out by the billions... I love the awe of nights like these!
I loved the Mitford series! That Vreeland book looks like a good one. Your sister's library is impressive....looks inviting!
You might get a kick out of the Harmony series by Philip Gulley as well. I can't wait to check out these books you've recommended. Your sister's library is AWESOME!
Love all those books...Glad to see your posts and cant wait to see that block when its done..The Fords are quite a legend all across the U.P. Toni
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