Happy New Year to All ...
It's been fun reading everyones take on the New Year... their plans,wishes, goals, aspirations and resolves for 2010. For me, I refuse to prematurely conjure up these next 365. My birthday was the 2nd, (51, I can't believe it) so all hits me quick like a brick... and I've just lived through a year that taught me all about plans... yeah, right! Looking back, maybe the biggest lesson I needed to learn... I'm only given a day at a time... what will I make of it ?
If I can hope for anything at all in this New Year, it will be for me to delve deeper into all the things I love... stretch my mind, experience more in THE moment...fess up to illusions.... something I continue to struggle with in trying to be my original self... no matter what, who, when, where or why.....THERE IS NO NEW THING UNDER THE SUN ,
Ecclesiastes 1:9 Knowing this......all heat is off for 2010.
I haven't been in a quilt store for ever... Now I know why I took these pics when I was shopping with my sis soooo way back when..... living in the" boonies" does have it's drawbacks and my "fixes" are far and betweenxst.

I miss seeing the class quilts on display and the new patterns and vingettes of FQ and what can be done with them.
Living in Skanee leaves alot of room for fabric/idea requisition
Novembers Blotto Block for guild meet
I'm gearing myself up to something I've NEVER done before and hardly feel qualified to pull off... in Feb I've been asked to
teach what I know about CQ. with the Superior Stitchers.. My "traditional" guild has finally warmed up to what I 've been putting out for show and tell.... way way back here with
my needlebook , the
fancy top here and my
JB block here. I'm apprehensive but I have a big mouth and know that I can carry on about it. I think by days end we may be able to have a block or 2 pieced, LOL! . I'm approaching it more as a sharing kind of thing and plan on taking my
vintage quilt, personal samples and some stash to share. I passed out the "supply list last month". How in the heck do you make a supply list for CQ, I'd love to know , LOL !!! I hope to convert a few so I can have some local comrades

I made this for my sis's Christmas present ...commemorating my Dad. It'll fit right in to the family's "Northwoods" decor in Beulah, Dad's ties found their way into several CQ ornaments for others too, (made with a pic of him at the top of Mount Arvon .) I'll show a pic of the one I kept soon . I was lax at photos in December... more into getting things done and shipped South than anything. I kick myself now, oh well. This year's been tough on us all... yank your heart out losses !!!! My Dad, of course, who left the biggest empty spot imaginable, my cousin
Bethany who was lifes inspiration for my whole family ( she died a week after Dad....please see her profile to know what I mean) and then just recently my Aunt Ginny. I was a machine making those photo ornies this year but tt was good memories that I put in every stitch.
Which leaves me to this... my blog is my blog.. I may not have my side lines full of favoites, I may get off topic and not post as often as "I should" but when I'm here I'm sooooo thankful for all of you who are here to read what I have to say... Thank You Everyone for letting me be "Something New Under The Sun"!!!